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Cinnamon Graham Crackers

Cinnamon Graham Crackers

2 1/4 c flour

1 c brown sugar, packed

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 stick salted butter, cut into small pieces

3-4 T ice cold water

3 1/2 T honey

1 tsp vanilla

Cinnamon Sugar:

1/4 c brown sugar, packed

1 tsp cinnamon

Combine flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda in bowl of large food processor; mix.

Put butter pieces in food processor; mix until well combined.

Add 3T ice cold water, honey and vanilla to dough; mix. Can add more water, if needed, one teaspoonful at a time; mix.

Remove dough from food processor; form into a ball. Place in quart ziploc bag.

Refrigerate 20-30 minutes to help make the dough less sticky.

PH oven to 325°.

Roll out dough out onto floured surface to 1/4” thick.

Use knife or pizza cutter to cut your dough. Poke holes in crackers with a fork.

Combine brown sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle generously over crackers.

Bake 25-35 minutes. You want them crisp, but not burnt.

God bless!

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